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The Technology


India is an agrarian country with its about 70% people in agriculture. Climate change, irregularities in rain fall, pest infestations, changing demographics, disaster calamities, etc. continue to pose challenge to the agriculture. In spite of such catastrophes, with 50% of its workforce, Indian agriculture sector contributes about 17-18% of nation’s GDP. Fascinatingly, 25.6% of the agricultural GDP is contributed by the animal husbandry sector (4.11% to national GDP) and this sub-sector in emerging over the years, often buffering the agrarian economy.

Today, animal husbandry sector is one of the promising economic sectors and providing the various livelihood options. Over the past few decades, India achieved greater transformation in animal husbandry sector as evidenced by the application of modern technologies aimed at enhanced production and reproduction abilities of the livestock. As a consequence livestock sector sustains about 10 Crore people and provide high quality animal products. India has emerged as the largest producer of milk (21.24% of global share); export of variety of animal products earn about Rs. 27,155.56 Crores (3,670.24 USD).

Though the Livestock wealth is increasing in India (4.6% growth over 2012 census); according to the 20th livestock census (DADF, 2019) India has 192.49 million cattle and 109.85 million buffaloes but the increase is not enough to match the increasing demand of milk due to increase in human population.

Since the female calf production is not increasing and it becomes logical to provide the farmers with technology that can improve the Bovine female population. We at Saigen introduce the world class International patent technology to improve chances of increasing the birth of female calves.

Fixing The Sex At The Time Of Conception

Sex pre assignment and determination is the process of deciding in advance as to which sexed zygotes will be conceived in future and conditions are so created that only the particularly sexed zygotes and hence, off-springs are produced and even the possibility of conceiving and subsequent birth off-springs of the other type is altogether ruled out. This process is called Sex-Fixing.

Sex Fixing has been one of the most appealing and fascinating scientific phenomenon of all times and countless number of attempts to alter the sex ratios in mammals has been tried and were reported in the last century but by and large success has eluded them. Since mammals are an important family; hence an achievement in altering the sex ratios in mammals has definitely much to stay and mean in the economical and social contexts as regards the existence of living world that is virtually dominated by mammals today and man is also one of them, So, the importance of such a discovery is tremendous and it can be put to use by serving the humanity in many years.

This technology has been patented and credited with patents from USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.

Mode of action & mechanism of Fixing Sex of the foetus at the time of conception:

However, in case of Bovines, sex of the offspring is determined by random combinations of X- or Y-chromosome bearing sperms with an ovum always containing the X-chromosome and giving rise to a sex ratio of almost 50:50. In case of Bovines also, some workers have tried to manipulate sex ratios. Manipulation of sex ratio gains prominence with the fact that Bovines are an important family and success in altering the sex ratio in Bovines, especially to the female side, has advantages in milk and meat producing species and in evolving livestock of better quality. This becomes doubly important in cross-breeding programs where 50% of the offsprings turn out to be of female sex and remaining 50% of male sex. The offsprings of the male sex are not generally favoured in the livestock industry. Altering the sex ratio, thereby leading to preferential production of females may make such cross-breeding programs a tremendous success. This also keeps the proportion of male populations of these species to the minimum extent as required for insemination purposes only.

Hence, there is a need to have a simple method to enhance the sex ratio of Bovines, in a convenient and economic manner.

  • The differential binding of X and Y chromosome bearing sperms with different binding moieties is a well-known phenomenon in the scientific history (U.S. patents 4,448,767 and 4,999,283).
  • These differential binding ligands on X and Y sperms may be in conformation to the selective receptor binding sites on the body of the ovum (Proceedings of VIII annual conference of ISVPT 2008, page 194 and proceedings of the ‘National seminar on emerging opportunities for commercializing in dairying’, in NDRI in 2008, page 146). The more such evidence exists in research publications (Pashudhan, vol. 34:04, page 08. 2008 and Proceedings of the 15th Congress of FAVA, Bangkok, Thailand. 2008).
  • FEMCALF acts as a precursor of selective bimolecular sperm binding ligands mimic moieties, YSBLM (Y-sperm binding ligands mimics) which block the Y receptors on the ovum in accentuated proportions leading to more chances of X sperm getting attached leading to a female zygote (US patent no. 7351581, Australian patent no. 2001235973 and Sex Fixing: The Dawn of a New Era, 2009 published by Studium Press, New Delhi.)